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Network Engineer

作者:管理员  发布时间:2015-8-13  浏览量:1240

Job Description:

²   be responsible for website and internal network maintenance.

²   be responsible for internal electronic information filing and sorting-out.

²   be responsible for company external network contact.


Job Qualification:

²   Ability to work independently, also have a high degree of responsibility in a team.

²   Serious-minded and responsible for work;

²   Bachelor or higher education background in computer engineering or related majors.

²   3D animation making preferred.

²   Proficiency of Photoshop and Office Software;

²   Editing ability of HTLM and other computer languages;

²   Ability to perform website maintenances (including updating, analyzing and maintaining).

²   CET 4 or above.

²   Good health condition and well-conducted.

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